Imagine if every Canadian did three things for their neighbourhood, their nation, and their world this year.

 We will have over 100 million acts of community building, and we and the world will never be the same!


For Canada’s 150th birthday, let’s all give a gift of three things—three acts of service. They can be large or small. Just ask yourself: What am I passionate about? What can I do to help? 

What are your 3 Things for Canada?





3 Things for Canada is simple! Here are a few things to think about as you get started in Toronto.




Don’t be shy — let the world know about your 3 Things and challenge others to do the same.




Download the logo and other fun files to help you share your 3 Things across the country.

With every “thing” we do,
we improve our neighbourhood, our nation, and our world.

The power to make extraordinary change lies with everyday people doing everyday things. 

 So what will your 3 Things for Canada be?

Share them using #3ThingsforCanada








3 Things for Canada is an initiative of the Mayor’s Civic Engagement Committee of Calgary.

Not long after he was elected, Mayor Naheed Nenshi challenged a group of dedicated volunteers to get all Calgarians taking action to make Calgary even better. The Mayor’s Civic Engagement Committee came up with a simple idea of asking every Calgarian to do three things to make their city better and 3 Things for Calgary was born.


Through initiatives like 3 Things for Calgary, City Hall 101 and other projects, this volunteer committee continues to encourage citizens to get involved in their community in a manner that is meaningful to them. The result is a more engaged society.

Now, inspired by Mayor Nenshi and our nation’s 150th birthday celebration in 2017, we’re scaling up 3 Things for Calgary and sharing this idea with Canada!


Here are the folks working on this project: Cesar Cala, Owen Chung, Nancy Close, Sara Corry, Lorna Crowshoe, Dani DeBoice, GOOD Company, Patrick Hlavac-Winsor, Gillian Hickie, Daorcey Le Bray, Kerry Longpré, Cheri Macaulay, Stewart McDonough, Elsbeth Mehrer, Tim Olafson, Olds College Video Production Team, Katie Paton, Kyle Thomas, Mary Valentich, Chris Wharton.

Our sincere thanks to Good Company for creating the design, including our website, in support of 3 Things for Canada, and to Olds College for their ETC video production services for creating our video.


Thanks to the many organizations and municipalities that support 3 Things for Canada! By sharing 3 Things for Canada or creatively making the challenge their own, they are helping us reach our goal of 100 million acts of service to celebrate Canada’s sesquicentennial.

Boys and Girls Club of Calgary | Brookfield Residential | The Calgary Foundation | Calgary Public Library | Calgary TELUS Convention Centre | City of Guelph and Mayor Cam Guthrie | City of Surrey and Mayor Linda Hepner | City of Victoria and Mayor Lisa Helps | Community Foundations Canada | ENMAX | Edmonton Community Foundation | Federation of Calgary Communities | Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Minister of Tourism, Culture, Industry and Innovation | Grand Prairie Community Foundation | Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia The Honourable Judith Guichon| Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island The Honourable H.Frank Lewis | Lieutenant Governor of Ontario The Honourable Elizabeth Dowdeswell | Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan The Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield | Mayor of Edmonton, Don Iveson | Mayor of Quebec City, Regis Labeaume | Mayor of Winnipeg, Brian Bowman | Mount Royal University | Olds College | Premier of Nova Scotia, Stephen McNeil | Premier of Saskatchewan, Brad Wall | Samara Canada | Shaw Communications | Strategic Group | Stikeman Elliot LLP |Suncor Energy | Three Things for Bowness | Three Things for the Properties | Town of Halton Hills and Mayor Rick Bonnette and Councillor Clark Somerville, President of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities | Victoria Community Foundation | Youth Central and the Mayor’s Youth Council.

 Let’s get every Canadian doing 3 Things for Canada and celebrate our country in the process.